It didn’t dawn on me until the emails arrived, but apparently it’s not obvious how to listen to samples from One Man Garage Band. I’m very sorry about that, and I’ve taken steps to make it more clear. The website’s right sidebar now offers links where you can listen to samples and/or purchase songs.
If you like CDBaby’s 256-bit MP3s–and I do since that’s how I get the most revenue–click the CDBaby link. You’ll be able to listen to 30 second samples from each song, buy individual songs or (my favorite) buy the whole album. Because it’s in MP3 format it will load and play on any MP3 player be it iPod, Zune or what have you.
If you prefer using Apple’s iTunes Store for your music purchases–and I’ve got to admit the experience is fairly compelling–there’s a link for my iTunes page on the sidebar as well. Note that this link will open iTunes on your computer and take you directly to my iTunes page. You to listen to samples, purchase individual songs or the whole album at iTunes as well. Apple 256-bit AAC files are technically superior to MP3s but the difference is unlikely to be sufficient that anyone would notice. (I don’t.) The AAC files will run in iTunes, on an iPod or on any device that supports AAC. These are not copy protected files.